Paul Klee | Sida 2

Paul Klee | Sida 2

1496 konstverk hittades
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Paul Klee
Rechnender Greis
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Paul Klee
Sechs Arten
1930 |

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Paul Klee
Fairy Tale
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Mountains in Winter Gebirge im W...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Der Bote des Herbstes (grün/viol...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1935 |

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Paul Klee
Abend in Ägypten
1929 |

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Paul Klee
Der Berg der heiligen Katze
1923 |

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Paul Klee
Untitled The Last Still Life, 1940
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Das Auge
1938 |

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Paul Klee
Ships at Rest, 1927.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
The Ships Depart, 1927
1927 |

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Paul Klee
Portrait of Mrs P in the South, ...
1924 |

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Paul Klee
Fire in the Evening
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Bewegte Blüten
1926 |

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Paul Klee
Badestrand St. Germain bei Tunis
1914 |

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Paul Klee
Wintertag kurz vor Mittag
1922 |

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Paul Klee
Moonrise; Mondaufgang
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1924 |

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Paul Klee
Komische Alte Comic old woman, 1...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Park near Lu..
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Lemon harvest , 1937.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Rich Harbour Picture of a Journe...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Mutter mit Kind
1938 |

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Paul Klee
Raum der Häuser Room of the hous...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Main road and side roads Paintin...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Port and Sailboats
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Twittering Machine
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Harmony of the Nordic Flora - Pa...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Östlich-süss. 1938
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Flower Bed, 1913.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Italienische Stadt
1928 |

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Paul Klee
The timpanist
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Park, 1914.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Squabble Duet , 1938.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
The Hero with the Wing, 1905.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1919 |

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Paul Klee
Im Stil v Kairouan, ins gemässig...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Häuser mit Treppenweg
1923 |

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Paul Klee
Redgreen and Violet-Yellow Rhythms
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1933 |

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Paul Klee
Städtische Komposition m. d. gel...
1919 |

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Paul Klee
Dogmatische Komposition
1918 |

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Paul Klee
St. Germain b. Tunis (landeinwärts)
1914 |

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Paul Klee
Das Licht und die Schärfen La lu...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1919 |

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Paul Klee
Betrachtung der Distelblüte, 1918.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Kreuz– und Spiralblüten
1925 |

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Paul Klee
Das gelbe Haus
1914 |

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Paul Klee
Portrait of Mrs P. in the south
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Südliche Küste abends
1925 |

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Paul Klee
Choral und Landschaft
1921 |

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Paul Klee
Fish in a circle
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Der Seiltänzer
1923 |

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Paul Klee
Lichtbreitung I
1929 |

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Paul Klee
Das Licht und die Schärfen. 1935...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Four Towers, 1923.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Aufblühend, 1934.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Drei weiße Glockenblumen
1920 |

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Paul Klee
1924 |

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Paul Klee
Mask Louse, 1931
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Indischer Blumengarten
1922 |

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Paul Klee
1928 |

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Paul Klee
1932 |

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Paul Klee
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1923 |

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Paul Klee
Heitere Gebirgslandschaft (Joyfu...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
ergeht sich, 1939
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Betroffener Ort
1922 |

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Paul Klee
1920 |

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Paul Klee
Zerstörtes Dorf Destroyed villag...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
In front of a mosque in Tunis
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Segelschiffe, den Sturm abwartend
1917 |

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Paul Klee
Untitled, 1914.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
1932 |

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Paul Klee
Kl. Dünenbild
1926 |

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Paul Klee
Marionetten (Bunt auf Schwarz)
1930 |

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Paul Klee
Plants in the Moonlight (ink & w...
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Dummer Teufel
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
With the two lost ones, 1938.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Zeichen in Gelb. 1937
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Landschaft mit Eseln
1932 |

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Paul Klee
Harvest of lemons (Zitronen Ernte)
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Auf eine Scizze aus Sidibusaid z...
1915 |

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Paul Klee
Gewölk über Bor
1928 |

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Paul Klee
hungriges Mädchen
1939 |

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Paul Klee
Bildnis eines Hauses
1935 |

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Paul Klee
Fische im Wildbach
1926 |

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Paul Klee
Tree Culture, 1924.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Bau. 1919
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Black, Still in Place, 1940.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Landscape with Poplars, 1929.
odaterad |

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Paul Klee
Klang aus Sizilien
1924 |

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Paul Klee
Offenes Buch. 1930
odaterad |

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Sida 2 / 15

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Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


   Kärntner Strasse 46
        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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Kaiser Franz Joseph

Kärntner Strasse 46
9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See · Austria
+43 4257 29415 ·
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