Alphonse Legros | Sida 4

Alphonse Legros | Sida 4

2180 konstverk hittades
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Alphonse Legros
Landscape: Sunrise.
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Young Woman.
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Alphonse Legros
Death and the Woodcutter, 3rd pl...
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Alphonse Legros
German Forest, Downley.
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Alphonse Legros
Beggar with Hat in Hand Mendiant...
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Alphonse Legros
Mr. Jourde.
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Alphonse Legros
Head of an Old Man, 1897.
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Alphonse Legros
Twig-gatherer Le fagotier.
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Alphonse Legros
Valley of the Dunes La Vallee de...
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Alphonse Legros
Archeologist L'archeologue.
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
St. Pierre et St. Paul a la port...
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Alphonse Legros
La Couseuse (The Sewing Woman)
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Alphonse Legros
Chailli: Effet d
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Alphonse Legros
Les bucherons (Woodcutters)
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Alphonse Legros
Les chantres espagnols, or Le lu...
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Plague Victims of Rome (Les pest...
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Bald Man with a Beard
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Alphonse Legros
Frédéric Régamey
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Alphonse Legros
Beggar with Hat in Hand (Mendian...
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Alphonse Legros
Hill with Bushes (La butte aux b...
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Alphonse Legros
The Good Samaritan (Le bon samar...
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Alphonse Legros
Monks at Church (Les moines a l'...
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Alphonse Legros
Woods in Winter Sun, 2nd plate (...
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Alphonse Legros
Allegory of the Peasant and Fort...
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Alphonse Legros
Job, 2nd plate
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Alphonse Legros
Study of an Old Man (Etude de vi...
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Alphonse Legros
View of Reeds (Coin de roseau)
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Alphonse Legros
Man and Wife Seated by the Road ...
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Fagot-makers (Les faiseurs de fa...
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Alphonse Legros
Saint Peter and Saint Paul in th...
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Alphonse Legros
The Hearth Le foyer.
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Alphonse Legros
Alfred Stevens, c.1890-1904 (dry...
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Alphonse Legros
The Fire, 2nd plate L'incendie.
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Alphonse Legros
Self-Portrait, 12th plate.
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Alphonse Legros
Chailli: End of a Storm Effet do...
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Man Tete d'homme.
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Alphonse Legros
G. F. Watts.
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Alphonse Legros
Study of a Man's Head with a Ful...
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Alphonse Legros
Study of a Man's Figure, Holding...
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Alphonse Legros
Horse-driven Mill Le manege.
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Alphonse Legros
Poplars near Amiens Pres d'Amien...
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Alphonse Legros
Woodcutters, 3rd plate Les buche...
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Alphonse Legros
Interior of a Church Interieur d...
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Alphonse Legros
Convalescent Le convalescent.
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Man, Full Face.
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Alphonse Legros
Desperate Man Le desespere.
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Alphonse Legros
Mme. Kemp, 4th plate.
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Alphonse Legros
Peasant Woman Seated near a Hedg...
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Alphonse Legros
The Prodigal Son, 3rd plate L'en...
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Alphonse Legros
Death and the Woodcutter, 1881.
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Alphonse Legros
Choir in a Spanish Church Le cho...
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Man Tete d'homme, 1877.
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Alphonse Legros
The Twig Gatherers.
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Man.
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Alphonse Legros
The Tinker Le retameur.
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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of William Cawthorne Un...
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Alphonse Legros
Auguste Delâtre, c. 1877.
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Alphonse Legros
Sunrise, Woods of Clamard Lever ...
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Alphonse Legros
Black Cat Le chat noir.
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Alphonse Legros
Study of a Man's Head [recto].
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Alphonse Legros
Edge of a Brook Bord de ruisseau.
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Alphonse Legros
Job, 2nd plate.
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Alphonse Legros
Interior of a Church.
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Alphonse Legros
Clap of Thunder [recto].
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Alphonse Legros
Phrenology Course, 2nd plate Le ...
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Alphonse Legros
Cardinal Manning, 3rd plate.
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Alphonse Legros
Le Pêcheur à la Ligne.
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Alphonse Legros
The Baptism, 1870.
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Alphonse Legros
E.D. Adams, 3rd plate.
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Alphonse Legros
Hovel on the Hill.
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Alphonse Legros
Alice Knewstub, 1897 (chalk on p...
1897 |

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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Study of a Head.
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Alphonse Legros
Saint Maurice in Bourgogne Saint...
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Alphonse Legros
Choir in a Spanish Church La cho...
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Alphonse Legros
G. F. Watts.
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Alphonse Legros
Landscape with Storm Paysage d'o...
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Alphonse Legros
The Manger La creche.
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Alphonse Legros
Paysannes des Environs de Boulog...
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Alphonse Legros
Le tonnelier (The Cooper)
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
La Ferme de l
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Alphonse Legros
Un Mendiant (A Beggar)
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Alphonse Legros
Le Reveur (The Dreamer)
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Alphonse Legros
Head of an English Laborer Tete ...
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Alphonse Legros
Bust of Nude Man.
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Alphonse Legros
Large Spaniard (Le grand Espagnol)
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Alphonse Legros
Desperate Man (Le desespere)
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Alphonse Legros
Canal Seen by Morning Light (Le ...
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Alphonse Legros
Return from the Woods (Le retour...
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Alphonse Legros
Return of the Fagot-gatherer, 2n...
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Alphonse Legros
Village of Wimille, near Boulogn...
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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Model (Tete de modele)
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Alphonse Legros
Poet (Le poete)
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Canal Seen by Morning Light (Le ...
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Alphonse Legros
Woodcutter (Le bucheron)
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Alphonse Legros
Little Angler (Le petit pecheur ...
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Sida 4 / 22

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Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


   Kärntner Strasse 46
        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Meisterdrucke
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Kaiser Franz Joseph

Kärntner Strasse 46
9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See · Austria
+43 4257 29415 ·
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